Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm boring.

nothing worth blogging about lately, I guess. thanksgiving was nice, my mom and Karen, Scott and Sean, and then us. small, and nice.

Christmas is getting ridiculous. I get so flustered thinking about how many people we need to see, that I dread it, rather than get excited. Mikes family always does Christmas Eve. My mom's side always does Christmas Eve. So if we want to see both, we have to run around like chickens, with our heads cut off. Then, Christmas day, we do our present thing, and normally my mom and sister come and we do a late breakfast, and presents. We usually squeeze my dad in there Christmas day too. then we decide when to add in my Nan (dad's mom), sometimes the day after we'll head up to her house for the night, but there has been the years when we haven't found time until January. February even!

I was talking to Nan the other day and she was telling me about my aunt and how she went to her friends for Thanksgiving, and that Katie (cousin) went to her boyfriends family, and Emily (other cousin) was working. Amaya (Emily's daughter) was with her fathers parents. After all of that it got me thinking, they never had a real traditional thanksgiving plan, after Nan moved to Maine. So since then, sometimes Nan goes to Dads, sometime to Kathy's. When my parents were married, we always had thanksgiving at Nans in the Hampton house. Always. When we moved to Greenland, mom hosted her side at our house. But, I started thinking, when my babies are grown with girlfriends, or wives, where will they all be? At the girlfriends family's house, like Kate? With their wives family? And if so, where will I be? So I have decided, that I am hosting thanksgiving every year. It will just be what we do. So the future daughters-in-law, will marry into the family understanding that that's the way we roll.

Christmas on the other hand, is tricky. We'll always have the morning, but I cant just host. My dad's girlfriend doesn't do anything that would involve my mom. So we always have to have 2 if we're including dad. This year, I cant fit dad in on Christmas day, so its gonna have to be the day after. We've already planned with Nan that we'll go up for a weekend in January, mostly to take the present buying burden off of her. She;s got alot of people to buy for now.

Anyway, random thoughts on a Wednesday afternoon.

1 comment:

Jenny B said...

Exactly. Set the expectations now on what holidays have to be spent with you!!