Thursday, February 12, 2009

On the way home from target...

Kevin: Stop talking!

Cameron: I'm just trying to talk to daddy.

Mike: Why cant he talk to me, Kev?

Kevin: Because then I'll forget math, and everything I learned at school. I always forget things when he talks.

Cameron: Ok, here I go again, I'm gonna cry cause you're being so rude to me.

Kevin: Dont cry Cameron.

Cameron: I'm gonna, cause you're being so rude.

I'm telling ya.

1 comment:

arnost skvrdleta, the big bear said...

Dear Sara,
I was wondering if I could use some of the writing on your website in a textbook of English I'm currently working on and am going to self-publish in Czechia some time next year (approx. 500 copies). Please let me know how you'd feel about this at Thanks a lot.
Milan S., the Czech Republic