Monday, September 22, 2008


I literally forget everything.

When we leave to go somewhere, I always have to run back in the house for something I've left behind. Sometimes I get all the way out of the neighborhood, and have to turn around. I hate this about myself, and I honestly have no idea what I should do differently so I'm not this way. I lose things easily. I have a black hole that follows me around, and there are so many things I want back!

Recently I was talking to my mom about how she had kept my very first ever birth certificate, and when Mike and I got married, she took it from her filing cabinet, for me to put it in mine. I lost it, and have had to purchase 3 since. I cannot get into a filing routine, so I lose other important papers, etc. I annoy myself, and others. I'd like to be more organized, so the boys are organized adults, but how? Ugh.

I also cannot stick to anything, so even if I figure out a way to get my shit together, I'll stop doing it after 2 weeks. Except for the diet I'm starting tomorrow. ~eyeroll~ I need ginseng. Or ginko? I can't remember.