Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Biggens...

Kevin has been into these new toys, Bakugans. Its a cartoon, its toys, its a game, its accessories, its awesome. Apparently. Walmart, Target and K-Mart can't keep these things in stock. This is what he spends all of his allowance money on, this is what he talks about. This is what he wants to play all the time. Cameron couldn't have cared less.

Until today.

We went to good ol' Walmart, and they actually had some! They were picked through, and in a messy pile all over the shelf, but they were there, and there was one that Kevin didn't have. Cameron wanted one too. Really wanted one. So they both picked one out, and there went $10 I'll never see again. So they get home, and they play Bakugans, and they talk about Bakugans. Kevin is so excited Cameron is into it, he could probably just burst. They even hugged! Kevin even gave Cameron one of his......granted it has low G's, and will most always lose in a battle, but he was so full of love for his brother, that he gave him one of his precious Bakugans! That he paid for, with his allowance!

I'm so proud.

For anyone that cares......http://www.bakugan.com


Jenny B said...

Awwwwwwwwww! I think I may have seen the cartoon once. Glad they are sharing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ive never even heard of them! You'd think having a 7 year old I would have by now but I havent. Dang. I'll have to ask John about them. LoL.

Christy said...

I've never heard of them but the hugging and sharing made me misty-eyed! So sweet.