Thursday, September 18, 2008

The neighbors are moving..


We bought this house in 2006. Cameron was just over 2 when we moved in. Next door, they have 3 kids, a 10 year old boy, an 8 year old boy, and Cameron's best buddy, Ella, who's 4. They have always been best buddies. And they're so cute together, both blond hair, blue eyed cuties. Anyway, they are having a new house built, and they close on their old house tomorrow. Cameron knows shes moving, but I don't think he gets that she wont be here at all. He doesn't remember living anywhere else but here, so he doesn't remember not having her right next door. Very sad. I get choked up thinking about how he'll feel when it really happens. I'm hoping we can work something out so that way he can see her regularly. They go to the same preschool, in different classes, so at least they'll see each other then.

:( poor Cam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, totally! My son, John, has become best friends with our neighbor's boy, Steven. They rent. We own. If they get to where they cant afford the house or whatever might come of their situation, its going to be upsetting for John and Steven. I hope that they dont move any time soon although they are an odd bunch. :)